Gloucestershire sage

For further information about any of our Driver Training Programmes please contact: Ken Buchanan Driver Training Ltd on


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What is it?

SAGE (Safer Driving with Age) is an award-winning programme designed to provide older drivers with support, guidance and coaching so that they can continue driving for as long as it is safe to do so.

We know that we gain wisdom and experience as we mature, but we can also pick up some bad driving habits which we may not be aware of. Growing older involves many (perhaps unwelcome) physical changes, and some people do not have the good health and mobility that they had when they were younger.

This can make driving more stressful and less enjoyable. If you have a partner and you can both drive, you may wish to share the driving. This will keep you both in practice and, if one of you has to give up driving, the other will still be confident enough to drive.

The SAGE process helps mature drivers adapt their driving to overcome these changes and allow them to continue to enjoy driving.

Who is it for?

The course is aimed at improving the safety of older drivers, but it can be adapted to suit drivers of any age, or for those returning to driving after a period of illness.

How does it work?

The SAGE driving assessment is not a test. It is a drive in your own car, with an experienced driving assessor, from your own home on roads you are familiar with. You will be able to talk about your performance as the drive progresses, and you will be given a confidential written report at the end.

Ideally SAGE begins with a medication review that is undertaken to determine if any medicines being taken are likely to affect your driving. A health and vision review is also needed, to ensure that any medical problems that may reduce your ability to drive safely have been considered. Your own practice nurse or GP can do both these reviews.

SAGE is intended to be a three-stage process, so it is best if you ask your GP or practice nurse if they are willing to arrange for you to have a health and medication review.

They may be able to complete the review form simply by reference to your medical notes, or they may ask you to see the practice nurse. If you are under the care of a consultant, you can ask them to refer you to SAGE.

Fitness to drive—The DVLA is legally responsible for deciding if a person is medically unfit to drive, so they need to know when driving licence holders have a condition which may, now or in the future, affect their safety as a driver.

How much does it cost?

The current fee is £40.00

Where do I attend?

One of our trained assessors will contact you to arrange a suitable appointment for your SAGE driver assessment and it will start at your home address.

SAGE application form to print and complete

01452 557536                       

07989 159 926

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SAGE Leaflet